Monday, September 26, 2016

Today we continued working on our digestive system projects.

They will show the pathway for a piece of food as it moves through the digestive system.
Food _________________________
Step 1:  Food enters here: _________________
             (explain the types of digestion that occur here and what structures are involved.)

Step 2: Food is pushed down the __________________
            (explain, in as much detail as possible, what happens to the food in this structure)

Step 3:  Food then enters the _____________________
            (How does this organ help digest food. Describe the process fully.   What other interesting facts
              might you tell about this organ.)

Step 4:  Food then is passed into the _____________________________
             (How does this organ help digest and absorb nutrients?  Describe the process fully.  In this step
              of digestion you need to mention the liver and pancreas.  Explain their role in

Step 5:  Food then moves into the ______________________________
            (How does this organ help digest or absorb nutrients?  Describe the process fully.  What other
              interesting facts might you tell about this organ?)

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