Today, we began taking notes over the human body systems. The students are recording their notes in a foldable that they glued into their composition books. We talked about the cardiovascular and excretory systems today.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Today we finished up matching all of the purple and yellow cards. The students were then able to record their answers on a worksheet. Now that they have had time to show me what they already know about the organs of the body, we will begin taking notes.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Today we began determining which organs go in which body systems. Students did their best to figure out which system each organ belongs to and recorded it in their composition books.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
In class today, the students finished their body diagrams and began looking over cards about the human body systems. They will begin an activity tomorrow where they must decide which organs belong to which body system.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
We're starting the Body Works activity in class today...see below:
At the start of class students will brainstorm a list of as many organs they can think of. Afterwards we will start part A of activity 12. Students will attempt to create a model from the organs they listed during the brainstorm activity. Without any help or reference they will attempt to place the organs in the proper positions.
Activity 12
We are doing activity 12 “What’s happening inside?”. There are three parts to this activity. In part A we will draw an outline of the human body and draw the location and function of as many organs as possible. In part B we will organize cards for each organ by the systems they belong to. In part D we will use colored pencils to color the organs of each body system.